the classrooms I work inside and the students I teach and inspire.
The Principia Lower School is on its fifth year partnering with Jean Ducey. Jean has grown the capacity of each teacher on our faculty, and she is a trusted colleague, mentor, and friend to all teachers. Jean flexibly coaches teachers in large group, small group, and individual sessions. She also led a parent workshop on campus that had glowing feedback. Jean’s communication skills, ability to relate to teachers at any stage in their career and knowledge, and her immense literacy knowledge are the perfect match for any school who yearns to grow in literacy.
Jean Ducey is passionate about student and teacher learning, knowledgeable about best practices in literacy, prompt in her response time, and always willing to talk through ideas. Jean's expertise, professionalism, and ability to adapt to meet the needs of any group make her professional development a great professional learning experience for teachers.
Jean was hired to train our district literacy interventionists, and she was phenomenal. Jean met with me prior to the trainings, and thoughtfully planned how to meet the needs of my team. Her professional development was differentiated, engaging, and focused on student achievement. I feel confident that teacher practice will change because of the pd that she lead. I cannot wait to have her back this year!
I brought Jean in to work with my teachers this year and we already want her back! She is engaging, motivating and pushes the thinking of ALL participants. She customizes her work with schools and does an amazing job at scaling the impact to meet the needs of diverse groups.
Jean is life-long learner, who expects the same of those around her. She works diligently to build relationships with her colleagues and nudges them to look at things from a different perspective. Jean uses her incredible professional background to support others and add depth to their own toolbox. She is an effective communicator and is always advocating on behalf of kids.
We brought Jean into CCLS to help our teachers begin the transition into the Reading and Writing Workshop model. Jean not only developed a morning for us that addressed our questions and concerns, she also challenged many of us to reach out of our comfort zones. Our teachers were engaged and involved throughout and were able to immediately incorporate some ideas into their daily literacy instruction. Her professionalism, knowledge, expertise and time with us was invaluable. We look forward to working with her in the future!
Affton School District
Central Institute for the Deaf
Christ Community Lutheran Schools
Eagle Grove School District
Fox C-6 School District
Francis Howell School District
Jackson School District R-2
Ladue School District
LARC: St. Louis Language Arts Regional Consortium
Lindbergh School District
Melville School District
Pattonville School District
Rockwood School District
School of the Osage
St. Charles School District
St. Louis Public Schools
The Principia Lower School
University City School District
Washington School District
Webster Groves School District
More about Jean Ducey, Owner/Trainer, jm ducey consulting, LLC.
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